A case study on lumpy skin disease and its management
Dr. S Vinothraj, Dr. A Jaya Preethi, Dr. P Alagesan, M Siva, RD Srinivasan, S Saravana Kumar and M Thirumoorthi
The present study reports the clinical management of Lumpy skin disease in indigenous cow. A Kangeyam cow with the clinical symptoms of circumscribed skin nodules of different body parts at ICAR KVK Erode district Instructional Farm. Clinical examination showed that high temperature with normal respiration and pulse rate. Based on the clinical signs the case was diagnosed as Lumpy Skin Disease and transmitted by arthropod vectors. The case was treated with combination therapy and the skin lesions also cured by proper application turmeric & neem oil.
How to cite this article:
Dr. S Vinothraj, Dr. A Jaya Preethi, Dr. P Alagesan, M Siva, RD Srinivasan, S Saravana Kumar, M Thirumoorthi. A case study on lumpy skin disease and its management. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(9):411-412.