Optimization of yield, quality and nutrient uptake of chilli (Capsicum annuum l) through intercropping and integrated nutrient management practices
K Usha Kumari, K Uma Jyothi, RVSK Reddy, RV Sujatha, K Rajendra Prasad, CP Viji and V Sekhar
A study was carried out to assess the effect of intercrops and integrated nutrient management on yield, quality and nutrient uptake of chilli during 2015-16 at College of Horticulture, Venkataramannagudem. Impact of four intercrops i.e onion (M1), coriander (M2), fenugreek (M3) and marigold (M4) combined with five INM treatments viz., 100% RDN through urea (S0), 25% RDN through FYM + 75% RDN through urea (S1), 25% RDN through vermicompost + 75% RDN through urea (S2), 25% RDN through poultry manure + 75% RDN through urea (S3) and 25% RDN through neem cake + 75% RDN through urea (S4) on performance of the chilli was studied.. It was found that intercrops and INM treatments showed significant influence on yield, quality and nutrient uptake of chilli. Chilli intercropped with fenugreek (M3) treatment recorded maximum values for yield, quality and nutrient uptake in chilli, whereas, chilli with marigold (M4) treatment recorded the minimum values for all the parameters. INM treatments found superior over 100% RDN through inorganic fertilisers. Application of 25% RDN through neem cake + 75% RDN through urea (S4) treatment recorded the highest values for all the parameters. Among the interactions, the chilli, intercropped with fenugreek and applied with 75% RDN through urea + 25% RDN through neem cake (M3S4) was found superior among all the treatments.
How to cite this article:
K Usha Kumari, K Uma Jyothi, RVSK Reddy, RV Sujatha, K Rajendra Prasad, CP Viji, V Sekhar. Optimization of yield, quality and nutrient uptake of chilli (Capsicum annuum l) through intercropping and integrated nutrient management practices. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(9):260-263.