Effect of In-situ green manuring, Bio-fertilizer (PSB) and inorganic fertilizer (SSP) on yield attributes and yield of rice in rice-groundnut sequence
M Venkata Lakshmi, CH Pulla Rao, PVN Prasad, P Prasuna Rani and Y Ashoka rani
A field experiment was conducted during Kharif 2016-17 and 2017-18 on loamy sands of soil at Agricultural College Farm, Bapatla to study the effect of In-situ green manuring, Bio-fertilizer (PSB) and inorganic fertilizer (SSP) on yield attributes and yield of Rice. The treatments consisted of four sources of phosphorus as main plots S1: Inorganic fertilizer phosphorus through SSP, S2: Green manuring in-situ with dhaincha @ 25 kg seed ha-1, S3: Biofertilizer (PSB) @ 750 ml ha-1, S4: Green manuring in-situ with dhaincha @ 25 kg seed ha-1 + Biofertilizer (PSB) @ 750 ml ha-1 and three levels of phosphorus L1: 50% recommended dose of P, L2: 100% recommended dose of P and L3: 150% recommended dose of P. In kharif rice was laid out in split plot design with three replications. Results of the experiment showed that application of in-situ green manuring + PSB along with inorganic phosphorus through SSP showed superior performance in terms of yield attributes like panicle length,panicle weight, test weight, number of panicles m-2, total number of grains panicle-1, number of filled grains panicle-1 and yield and over alone application of inorganic fertilizer phosphorus through SSP. Among the levels of phosphorus 150 % RDP showed higher yield attributes like panicle length, panicle weight, test weight, number of panicles m-2, total number of grains panicle-1 and number of filled grains panicle-1 and yield and over 50 % RDP and however it was on par with 100 % RDP.
How to cite this article:
M Venkata Lakshmi, CH Pulla Rao, PVN Prasad, P Prasuna Rani, Y Ashoka rani. Effect of In-situ green manuring, Bio-fertilizer (PSB) and inorganic fertilizer (SSP) on yield attributes and yield of rice in rice-groundnut sequence. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(8):17-22.