Characterization of hyphae growth in developing stripe rust pathogen in IL598, ILT756 and WL711
Shivendra Kumar, Bidisha Borpatragohain and Ashish Rai
Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. Thell, 2n=42) is a widely cultivated crop in India or worldwide and a potent source of nutrients. Loss of the wheat production in different region of India affected due to leaf and stripe rust infection. There was two introgression line (ILT598 and ILT756) and one parental line (WL711NN) were selected for characterization of resistance and susceptible line based on hyphal growth in developing stripe rust pathogen inside the infected wheat leaf. There was collection of leaf sample from wheat at six different time interval at Genetics area of School of Agricultural Biotechnology Punjab Agriculture University Ludhiana. Detection of hyphal growth at 0 hr in all three line ILT598, ILT756 & WL711NN were observed null. Simultaneously at 12, 24, 48, 72, 96 hr observation of hyphal growth in WL711 were observed maximum while in ILT598 minimum. There were in ILT756 observed moderate infection. Use of this assay (WGA-FITC) in ILT598 depicts more apoptotic area while in ILT756 relatively less, in WL711 maximum hyphal colonization due to both leaf and stripe rust as reported breakage of Resistance gene. Collected sample of ILT598, ILT756 & WL711NN at seedling stage depicted all above mentioned discussion.
How to cite this article:
Shivendra Kumar, Bidisha Borpatragohain, Ashish Rai. Characterization of hyphae growth in developing stripe rust pathogen in IL598, ILT756 and WL711. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(7):447-448.