Studies on pressing pressure and pressing time on qualities of Soypaneer
SB Jadhav and SU Khodke
The experimental research work was carried out at the department of Agricultural Process Engineering, CAE & T, VNMKV, Parbhani (Maharashtra) to study the effect of varying pressing pressure and pressing time on moisture content, yield, colour values (L*, a*and b*) and sensory qualities of soypaneer. Soypaneer was prepared using 0.2% citric acid as a coagulant. Four levels of pressing pressure (1, 2, 3, 4 bar) and three levels of pressing time (15, 20, 25 min) were taken and soypaneer samples were prepared. The study revealed that the values of moisture content of soypaneer were found to decrease with increase in pressing pressure and pressing time. The yield of soypaneer decreased with increase in pressing pressure and pressing time due to removal of water from the soybean curd during its preparation. The study also indicated that the colour values (L*, a*and b*) of soypaneer were not significantly influenced either by pressing pressure or by pressing time. The process variables viz. varying pressing pressure and pressing time did not show significant effect on colour and flavour of soypaneer. However, taste, body and texture and overall acceptability of soypaneer were found to be significantly affected by varying pressing pressure and pressing time. The pressing pressure of 3 bar and pressing time of 25 min were found to get desired qualities of soypaneer.
How to cite this article:
SB Jadhav, SU Khodke. Studies on pressing pressure and pressing time on qualities of Soypaneer. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(6):629-633.