Hygienic condition of the oral cavity during orthodontic treatment of children with temporomandibular joint dysfunction
Saidov Akbar Ahadovich
Orthodontic treatment was carried out using mechanically activated devices and devices of mixed action, which were obtained in accordance with the diagnosis. In the main group, tartar was detected in 73.3%, and in the control group - in 46.6%. In children with malocclusion and dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint, the value of the PMA (papillo-marginal-alveolar) index in periodontal tissue and the hygiene of the oral cavity were evaluated using the Schiller-Pisarev test. He substantiated the need for preventive measures before and during active treatment using orthodontic appliances.
How to cite this article:
Saidov Akbar Ahadovich. Hygienic condition of the oral cavity during orthodontic treatment of children with temporomandibular joint dysfunction. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(6):589-591.