Correlation amongst yield and quality attributes of guava fruit in response to foliar feeding of zinc and iron in Vertisols of Jhalawar district
Lokesh Kumar Meena, Prerak Bhatnagar, Jitendra Singh, Rahul Chopra and Priyanka Solanki
Correlation studies among yield and quality of guava fruit to zinc and iron status of leaf. The yield and quality attributes viz. number of fruits per plant, fruit length, fruit diameter, fruit weight, fruit volume, estimated yield per plant, estimated yield q/ha., total soluble solids, total sugars, reducing sugars, non-reducing sugars, seed cavity, ascorbic acid, pulp weight and total phenols exhibited significant and positive correlation with Zn and Fe concentration of guava leaves. However, specific gravity, acidity percentage, number of seeds per fruit and seed weight attributes exhibited significant and negative correlation with Zn and Fe concentration of guava cv.L-49 leaves. Correlation studies are very useful and important tool to interpret the trend and positive inter-relationships amongst morphological, biochemical and nutrient status of guava trees.
How to cite this article:
Lokesh Kumar Meena, Prerak Bhatnagar, Jitendra Singh, Rahul Chopra, Priyanka Solanki. Correlation amongst yield and quality attributes of guava fruit in response to foliar feeding of zinc and iron in Vertisols of Jhalawar district. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(6):349-351.