Comparative study on weight loss and volume loss of tomato under Janta cool chamber and ambient condition
Nilam Mishra, Dr. Razia Parvez, Dr. Abha Singh and Dr. Diksha Gautam
An evaporative cool chamber was designed and constructed by using soil & river bed sand and named Janta Cool Chamber. The maximum and minimum temperature of inside and outside of the chamber was recorded for 76 days. It was observed that the inside temperature was 3-4°C lower than outside temperature. A comparative study was made to determine weight loss and volume loss of tomato inside the Cool Chamber and in the ambient condition. The Janta Cool Chamber does not require any mechanical or electrical energy input and can be constructed with locally available materials and build by unskilled labours. It proven economical as it can store the tomato for longer period with no significant loss in quality to tomato stored
How to cite this article:
Nilam Mishra, Dr. Razia Parvez, Dr. Abha Singh, Dr. Diksha Gautam. Comparative study on weight loss and volume loss of tomato under Janta cool chamber and ambient condition . Pharma Innovation 2020;9(6):197-199.