Psychological problems of aged men- A sociological study
Meenu Singh, Rashmi Tyagi and Praveen Kumar
It has been stated that by 2030, the elderly will constitute 21% of the total world population (Strydom, 2005). The increasing elderly population around the world is one of the most challenging issues in the health and welfare fields and aging is discussed as a universal phenomenon (Gates, 2000). The term elderly include the aged, elder and older people and population ageing is a global phenomenon (Dannefer and Phillipson 2010). The social, biological and psychological changes that occur in last stage of life are to be terms as ageing (Richard, 1962). among the elders most common problems are psychological problems. Depression in old age is quite complex and difficult to diagnose. The various reasons are medical illnesses, dementia syndromes and heterogeneity of patients in the population. There is very thin line of difference between depression and match of stroke for clinicians to differentiate (Dhare and Jogsan, 2013). The psychological problems among the aged people emerge from loneliness, isolation, powerlessness and meaninglessness (Kourkouta et al. (2015).
How to cite this article:
Meenu Singh, Rashmi Tyagi, Praveen Kumar. Psychological problems of aged men- A sociological study. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(5):295-298.