Effects of liquid amla curd organic biomanure (LACOB) on growth and yield of turnip (Brassica rapa)
Tanu Shiri, Arvind Kumar, Swati Sharma, Akash Kumar, Govind Singh and Rashmi
Crop cultivation is a most important sector of Indian economy. It gives to growth, occupation and overall economy of India. The need of increased food production in most developing countries like India becomes an ultimate goal, to meet the dramatic expansion of their population. Biomanure increases the soil fertility naturally and does not affect the soil like chemical fertilizers. In this study, the relative effect of Liquid Amla Curd Organic Biomanure (LACOB) on the growth and yield of Turnip (Brassica rapa subsp. rapa)” was studied. The seeds of Turnip were treated with LACOB and their result was recorded after intervals. It was obsereved that plants treated with Liquid Amla Curd Organic Biomanure (LACOB) showed exceptional results in the morphological parameters as compared to controlled plants. The results further showed that the plant enactment with respect to biomass components such as Mean number of leaves, fruits weight, fresh shoot and root weight, dry shoot and root weight, shoot length and plant height were expressively influenced by used Biomanure. The total plant biomass was found to be higher with application of LACOB, DAP and control as compared to combination of them. Similar trend was noticed with respect to fruit weight Fresh shoot weight, Dry shoot weight and plant height which were found to be significantly higher 10.34gm/ fruit, 8.70gm/plant, 3.94gm/plant and 60cm/plant respectively. Bio-organic formulation LACOB has increasing level of growth than other treatments. So it can be concluded that LACOB can be best substitute for chemical fertilizer, which has proven positive effects on various crops with environmental sustainability.
How to cite this article:
Tanu Shiri, Arvind Kumar, Swati Sharma, Akash Kumar, Govind Singh, Rashmi. Effects of liquid amla curd organic biomanure (LACOB) on growth and yield of turnip (Brassica rapa). Pharma Innovation 2020;9(5):200-207.