Recipe standardization for preparation of Tamarind candy
Author(s): Arghya Mani, Venkata Satish Kuchi, Surajit Mitra, AK Banik, Ivi Chakraborty, FK Bauri and Satyabrata Das
Abstract: Tamarind is an underutilized but very high potential fruit crop in India. Tamarinds are rich in nutrients and have enormous health benefits. Tamarind and its value added products are liked by people of all ages. One such processed product is tamarind candy. Candy or toffee made from tamarind is a very old product but literature related to recipe for preparation of tamarind is scanty hence an attempt has been made to standardize the recipe of tamarind candy. Recipe 1 (T1), Recipe 2 (T2), Recipe 3 (T3) and Recipe 4 (T4) have difference in amount of jaggery used. T1 have only sugar, T2, T3 and T4 has been a combination of sugar and jaggery of 150 g, 250 g and 450 g respectively. From the above results it can be concluded that highest amount of desirability is observed in candy prepared with Recipe 1 (T1) with complete sugar and Recipe 2 (T2) with 150g sugar replaced with jaggery. In terms of taste and overall acceptibility, Recipe 1 (T1) and Recipe 2 (T2) stands neck to neck. But in terms of retaining Vitamin C, Recipe 2 (T2) is quite better than Recipe 1 (T1). Partial replacement of sugar used for candy preparation with jaggery can not only reduce direct sugar intake but also help to acquire minerals and health benefits associated with jaggery consumption. Hence, for preparation of tamarind candy with fortified minerals, Recipe 2 (T2) containing 850 g sugar and 150 g jaggery can be used.