Effect of rhizobium, alone and in combination with neem product against early blight Alternaria solani (Ell & Mart) disease of potato on yield
Bhunesh Diwakar and Madan Jha
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of plant extracts, bioagents and fungicide in-vivo and in situ against Alternaria solani causing early blight of potato. Carbendazim @ 0.1% as treated check was found effective in the disease reduction (48.74%), followed by neem oil @ 1% (38.96%), NSKE @ 5% (38.09%) followed by neem leaf extract @ 1% (37.96%), neem cake 5% (37.45), rhizobium @ 10 g/kg (35.36%) and neem bark @5% (34.17) was found effective in disease reduction (37.96%).
How to cite this article:
Bhunesh Diwakar, Madan Jha. Effect of rhizobium, alone and in combination with neem product against early blight Alternaria solani (Ell & Mart) disease of potato on yield. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(5):12-13.