Indigenous knowledge of agriculture and animal husbandry practiced by monpa tribes of tawang Arunachal Pradesh
Nitin Kumar Pandey, SPS Somvanshi, Om Prakash and Santosh Kumar
The indigenous knowledge (IK) tuned to local culture, social organization, need based, tested over centuries and dynamic in nature allow the local people to adapt to social and ecological attributes, thus contributing to food security and overall enhancement of the sustainability of natural resources. The research was conducted during 2016-2017, purposively on local tribe community, randomly 15 selected villages of Three Blocks Viz; Tawang, Jang and Lumla in district Tawang Arunachal Pradesh. 08 respondent were randomly selected from each village (total 120) list provided by the Village Extension Workers, Participatory rural appraisal (PRA) and personal interview methods were applied to collect the data on Knowledge of agriculture and livestock rearing and management. Result revealed that traditions maintained by various cultural and social institutions of Monpa community are having strong ethical base while harvesting the plants and animals, and deciding the consumption pattern of foods. There is urgent need for awareness programmes on importance of local livelihood support crops and to involve them in food biodiversity based natural resource conservation for sustainable management of local livestock and agricultural crops, bioresources for rural livelihood security.
How to cite this article:
Nitin Kumar Pandey, SPS Somvanshi, Om Prakash, Santosh Kumar. Indigenous knowledge of agriculture and animal husbandry practiced by monpa tribes of tawang Arunachal Pradesh. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(4):316-320.