Effect of different environmental conditions on performance of sapota softwood grafts worked on invigorated khirni rootstock on days required for bud sprouting, sprout length and branches per graft
Ashutosh, Shashi ghritlahare, SR Patil and Bhunesh Diwakar
An experiment entitled “Effect of different environmental conditions on performance of sapota softwood grafts worked on invigorated khirni rootstock.” Experiment was laid out in Factorial Randomized Block Design with eight treatment combinations comprising factor A four different environmental conditions C1 (Open condition), C2 (Partial shade condition), C3 (Partial shade (tree shade) condition), C4 (Poly house condition) and factor B comprised of two decaping height of invigorated khirni rootstock viz., 10 cm and 15 cm from ground level and these were replicated five times. The treatment combination of poly tunnel and decaping height at 15 cm from ground level took minimum days for bud sprouting (15.80) days which was at par with treatment combination green shade net tunnel 50% and decaping height at 15 cm from ground level (16.12) days. Whereas, open condition and decaping height at 10 cm from ground level took maximum days for sprouting (22.46) days.
How to cite this article:
Ashutosh, Shashi ghritlahare, SR Patil, Bhunesh Diwakar. Effect of different environmental conditions on performance of sapota softwood grafts worked on invigorated khirni rootstock on days required for bud sprouting, sprout length and branches per graft. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(4):213-219.