Residual effect of yield and yield parameters on fertilizer recommendations and organic manures imposed in kharif rice on succeeding rabi blackgram
D Mounika, M Martin Luther, K Chandra Sekhar, G Kishore Babu and K Jaya Lalitha
A field experiment was conducted at the Agricultural College farm, Bapatla, during kharif and rabi 2017-18 and 2018-19. The experiment was conducted with variety BPT-5204 in a Randomized Block Design with ten treatments and three replications. The maximum number of pods plant-1, test weight, seed yield, haulm yield and harvest index were recorded with soil test based fertilizer recommendation with 10 t ha-1 FYM application which was at par with soil test based fertilizer recommendation alone and 7.5tha-1 targeted yield recommendation along with FYM (T5 and T10) and RDF with FYM (T6). Seed yield of blackgram was significantly higher with soil test based fertilizer recommendation with 10 t ha-1 FYM application which was statistically at par with soil test based fertilizer recommendation alone (T2) and 7.5 t ha-1 targeted yield fertilizer recommendation with FYM (T10) compared to the rest of the treatments.
How to cite this article:
D Mounika, M Martin Luther, K Chandra Sekhar, G Kishore Babu, K Jaya Lalitha. Residual effect of yield and yield parameters on fertilizer recommendations and organic manures imposed in kharif rice on succeeding rabi blackgram. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(4):147-150.