Effect of different dates of planting and varieties on the growth and yield of summer mung (Vigna radiata L.) under Manipur valley condition
Langpei Pamei, Jamkhogin Lhungdim, Meghna Gogoi, Yumnam Sanatombi Devi and Santosh Korav
An experiment was conducted at the experimental field of College of Agriculture, Central Agricultural University, Imphal during the summer season of 2016 to study the performance of different summer mung (greengram) varieties sown at different dates. The experiment consisted of five varieties- DGSS-4 (V1), HUM-16 (V2), HUM-2 (V3), HUM-6 (V4) and HUM-12 (V5) and three dates of sowing- 24th February (D1), 5th March (D2) and 15th March (D3) and was laid out in factorial randomized block design with three replications. The results indicated that sowing on D3 recorded máximum root weight (0.77 g), seed yield (1081.55 kg ha-1), straw yield (2352.38 kg ha-1), harvest index (30.87) and the variety, V2 recorded least number of days for 50% germination (13) and 50% flowering (40.99) and recorded máximum root length (13.68 cm), pod length (8.69cm) and 100 seed weight (5.86 g) amongst all the varieties.
How to cite this article:
Langpei Pamei, Jamkhogin Lhungdim, Meghna Gogoi, Yumnam Sanatombi Devi, Santosh Korav. Effect of different dates of planting and varieties on the growth and yield of summer mung (Vigna radiata L.) under Manipur valley condition. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(4):87-90.