Study on the growth performance and nutrient utilization of broiler chicken fed on partially maize replaced diet with palm oil (Elaeis Guineensis) sludge
Kekiepeu Nza
A feeding trial was carried out to elucidate the effect of replacing maize with palm oil sludge (POS) on the growth performance and nutrient utilization of broiler chicken. A total of 200 broiler chickens, day old of either sex, were randomly allotted to four dietary treatment groups as per completely randomized design. POS was incorporated in the experimental diets at 0(Group-1, control), 10%(Group-2), 15%(Group-3) and 20 % (Group-4) to replace maize as energy source. Birds of each group were fed as mash form for duration of 6 weeks. In the trial final body weight, feed conversion efficiency (FCR), Average Daily gain (ADG) (g/bird), weekly body weight gain (g/bird) and daily feed intake (g/h/d) was not significantly (P>0.05) effected up to 20% palm oil sludge based diets. Although, there was an increase in feed intake although not significantly (P>0.05) with increased levels of POS in the ration and FCR reduces proportionately with increasing palm oil sludge inclusion but insignificant (P>0.05) statistically. It may be concluded that replacement of maize up to 20% with POS in the concentrate diet of broiler chicken had no effect on the growth performance and nutrient utilization. Economically, replacing maize with POS was cost effective and can be an alternative for costly feed ingredients in poultry production.
How to cite this article:
Kekiepeu Nza. Study on the growth performance and nutrient utilization of broiler chicken fed on partially maize replaced diet with palm oil (Elaeis Guineensis) sludge. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(3):585-588.