Quantification of biopigments from Nerium oleander L. and assessing their antioxidant potential
Aruna P, R Mangaiyarkarasi, V Pavithra, S Rathnaswathy and S Renisha
The present investigation was to quantify the biopigments from Nerium oleander L. and also to assess the antioxidant potential. Two different Nerium cultivars Red and Pink type were selected for the experiment. The collected flowers were dried under shade for the removal of moisture content and also to prevent the destruction of anthocyanins, as they are sensitive to light. The dried flowers were grinded to obtain fine powder. Different solvents were used for the extraction of anthocyanin and for the estimation of their antioxidant potential from the flower sample. The solvents used were Acetone, Ethanol, Methanol and Distilled Water in different concentrations. It provides measurements in the UV and VIS range. It has a spectral range of 220nm to 830nm. Based on the conducted experiments, it is visible that the anthocyanin content extracted using the solvent Ethanol has higher anthocyanin when compared with other solvents. The anthocyanin content is high in 100% ethanol (3.54 mg/k 3 g eq) and 100% methanol extraction in red flowers (3.40 mg/k 3 g eq): The antioxidant potential is high in 100% ethanol (2.97 %) and 50% ethanol (2.53 %) extraction in red flowers.
How to cite this article:
Aruna P, R Mangaiyarkarasi, V Pavithra, S Rathnaswathy, S Renisha. Quantification of biopigments from Nerium oleander L. and assessing their antioxidant potential. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(3):331-333.