Impact of sugar solutions on chemical composition of osmo dehydrated papaya slices during storage with different drying methods
Vikrant Kumar, Jaivir Singh, Neelash Chauhan, Kavindra Singh and Pankaj Kumar
Papaya slices were treated with different pre-treatments namely control, T1 = Control, T2 = Potassium Metabisulphate, T3 = Sodium bisulphate and T4 = Blanching at 95 oC for 4 minute. The treated sample were osmosed in syrup solution of 55 oBrix & 65 oBrix for period of 180 minutes, than wiped and dried in tray dryer and hot air oven dryer at 60 oC. The highest acidity content was found 0.809 for untreated dried sample 60 oC (Tray Dryer) after zero days of storage. It was observed that the T1 sample have maximum (8.8%) moisture content after 90 days of storage periods. While the T2 sample have minimum (2.38%) moisture content after zero day storage period. The highest ash content was found 0.29 for untreated dried sample at 60 oC (Tray Dryer) after 90 days of storage. The highest acidity content was found 0.809 for untreated dried sample 60 oC (Hot Air Oven) after zero days of storage. It was observed that the T1 sample have maximum (13.59%) moisture content after zero day of storage period. The highest ash content was found 0.31 for T4 sample at 60 oC (Hot Air Oven) after 90 days of storage.
How to cite this article:
Vikrant Kumar, Jaivir Singh, Neelash Chauhan, Kavindra Singh, Pankaj Kumar. Impact of sugar solutions on chemical composition of osmo dehydrated papaya slices during storage with different drying methods. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(3):220-222.