Correlation of body mass index to random blood glucose levels of rural population
T Kamalaja and K Rajeswari
The present study was aimed to investigate the relationship between BMI and Random Blood Glucose levels of rural population. Three hundred and seventy four rural people in the age group of 20 to 55 years were randomly selected for the study comprising of 80% (299) women and 20% (75) men. The mean age, BMI, RGS, weight and height were 43.5 years, 23 kg/m2, 134.5 mg/dl, 56kgs and 156.5cms respectively. Majority (59%) of the people were found in normal weight category followed by overweight (21%), underweight (14%) and obese (6%) category as per BMI. The regression test revealed that only the age had a significant impact on random glucose levels where as gender, BMI, height and weight had no significant impact on random glucose levels of rural population.
How to cite this article:
T Kamalaja, K Rajeswari. Correlation of body mass index to random blood glucose levels of rural population. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(3):171-174.