The condition of the mucous membrane of the prosthetic area and the results of a questionnaire survey in patients with diabetes mellitus
Leybyuk L
At recent decades there has been a steady increase the incidence and prevalence of diabetes mellitus in many countries around the world, which has allowed foreign authors to qualify these processes as a new non-communicable epidemic of the 21st century and to address it as a medical and social problem It is noted that the reasons for the increasing incidence of diabetes mellitus are growthing in the population structure of people with hereditary predisposition to it, rising in the average life expectancy of people, the intensification of the pace of life, the deterioration of the ecological and social situation, the population nutrition, which leads to increase in the number of people with obesity and chronic cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, atherosclerosis), that are also risk factors. Clinical following of patients with diabetes mellitus, both the first and second type, showed them a pronounced dental pathology, which manifests itself in the form of biochemical and morphofunctional disorders in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and alveolar bone, dry and burning mouth, cracks of the red border lips. Reducing salivation leads to a compensatory increase the large salivary glands. The processes of hyposalivation significantly complicate the prosthetic of patients with diabetes mellitus in case of complete teeth of loss It is proved that the formation of pathological process in the area of the prosthetic area are involved the autonomic and central nervous system. A block of "psychogenic intolerance of the denture" or false inflammation is formed very often, when there are only subjective sensations of burning and loss of sensitivity. Adaptation of the epithelium (keratinization) of the mucous membrane of the prosthetic area to the prosthesis occurs, on average, a year later, but inflammatory processes decrease its timing. Moreover, the keratinization degree of the epithelium is directly dependent on the hygienic condition of the inner surface of the plate prosthesis: the higher is its contamination, the lower is the keratinization index. The most significant cause that reduces adaptation to removable dentures is the inflammation that develops in the prosthetic area.
How to cite this article:
Leybyuk L. The condition of the mucous membrane of the prosthetic area and the results of a questionnaire survey in patients with diabetes mellitus. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(3):136-138.