Effect of delayed sowing dates and genotypes on yield and economics of green gram (Vigna radiata)
Avadhut Mule, RR Deshmukh and Annasaheb Bharat Kolekar
The sowing dates at D1 i.e. (25th June) was found optimum for achieving higher seed yield as compared to D2 (6st July), D3 (16thJuly) and D4 (20th July) at a spacing 30 cm x 10 cm. The green gram variety BM-2003-2 was found to be highly productive as compared to BM-4, Phule vaibhav and PKVgreen gold. The sowing dates at D1 i.e. (25th June) was found significantly superior in gross return, net returns and B: C ratio over rest of sowing dates. The green gram variety BM-2003-2 was significantly superior in gross return, net returns and B: C ratio over rest of varieties.
How to cite this article:
Avadhut Mule, RR Deshmukh, Annasaheb Bharat Kolekar. Effect of delayed sowing dates and genotypes on yield and economics of green gram (Vigna radiata). Pharma Innovation 2020;9(2):112-114.