Effect of different sources and solubility of NPK uptake by rice at various growth stages and economics
SB Murumkar, KD Dadmal, AB Kolekar and VC Navhale
A field experiment was conducted during Kharif 2012 as research on sandy clay loam in texture soils of Agronomy Farm, College of Agriculture, Dapoli, Dist. Ratnagiri (M.S.) to find out the effect of different sources of nutrients on NPK uptake by rice at various growth periods. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design in kharif season with four treatments and replicated. The treatments consisted of T0: Absolute control, T1: 30% WSP (Suphala 15:15:15), T2: 60% WSP (Suphala 20:20:00), T3: 80% WSP (Suphala 20:20:00), T4: 100% WSP (DAP 18:46:00). 2. Among the different sources of NPK (100% WSP) recorded higher growth, yield attributes, yield, total uptake by the crop, available soil N, available P2O5, available K2O, net returns, and B: C ratio from rice followed by (80% WSP), (30%WSP) and (60%WSP).
How to cite this article:
SB Murumkar, KD Dadmal, AB Kolekar, VC Navhale. Effect of different sources and solubility of NPK uptake by rice at various growth stages and economics. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(2):30-33.