Bypass fat as a feed supplement in ruminants: A review
Rajneesh, Shwetambri Jamwal, Prince Chauhan, Narender Kumar, Ninad Bhatt and Neeraj
Supplements are the integral part of ruminant ration in the present era. Farmers used to supplement their animals as per specific requirements. Bypasss fat is such a supplement which has been used extensively in dairy animals as a source of high energy density. Bypass fat has been found to be very crucial in the diets of high producing animals. The requirement of high producing animals if 4-6% of fat in ration, which should be met through natural feed, oil seed and bypass fat in equal proportions. Supplementation of bypass fat leads to improvement in milk production, milk composition, body parameters and reproductive efficiency of dairy animals. Bypass fat supplementation is proved to be beneficial for farmers in terms of economics as it is found of increasing net income. Use of bypass fat is age old practice but it is still researched and improved by the workers to make it more profitable and accessible to farmers.
How to cite this article:
Rajneesh, Shwetambri Jamwal, Prince Chauhan, Narender Kumar, Ninad Bhatt, Neeraj. Bypass fat as a feed supplement in ruminants: A review. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(12):389-395.