Effect of growth regulators on growth, phenological and biochemical traits of wheat [Triticum aestivum L.] under reduced irrigation situation
Vikas Yadav, SP Kushwaha, Ajay Kumar, Pawan Kumar Goutam, Shubham Kumar Srivastava, Shashank Srivastav and Mayanker Singh
The present investigation entitled “Effect of growth regulators on growth, phenological and biochemical traits of wheat [Triticum aestivum L.] under reduced irrigation situation” was conducted in randomised block design with double dose of growth regulators with control wheat plants viz., Control, GA3 20 ppm, GA3 40 ppm, Alar 100 ppm, Alar 200 ppm, ABA 25 ppm, ABA 50 ppm, SA 50 ppm, SA 100 ppm, Kinetin 5 ppm and Kinetin 10 ppm widely differing in their role in wheat variety (K1317) during two experimental years i.e., 2017-18 and 2018-19, under reduced irrigation situation. Observations were recorded at different crop growth stages. Results revealed that almost all traits varied significantly due to tested growth regulators except initial plant population and days to heading during both experimentation years i.e., 2017-18 and 2018-19. Findings indicated that effect of growth regulators viz., GA3 40 ppm, Kinetin 10 ppm and Alar 200 ppm improved plant height and number of tillers per plant, while Kinetin 10 ppm was helped in higher fat content in wheat grains although, poor performance for most of studied parameters were recorded with control wheat plants as compare to other treatments under reduced irrigation situation.
How to cite this article:
Vikas Yadav, SP Kushwaha, Ajay Kumar, Pawan Kumar Goutam, Shubham Kumar Srivastava, Shashank Srivastav, Mayanker Singh. Effect of growth regulators on growth, phenological and biochemical traits of wheat [Triticum aestivum L.] under reduced irrigation situation. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(12):279-282.