Impact of parenting styles adopted by mother’s on academic achievement of elementary school children
E Lakshmi Devi and Dr. B Swaroopa Rani
Parenting styles are defined as set of attitudes; beliefs and goals parents have and put into practice in their daily interactions with their children. Baumrind (1971) has mentioned three types of parenting styles viz., authoritative/democratic, authoritarian and permissive parenting styles. The quality of the parent–child relationship influences how well children do in school. The present study was under taken to know the parenting styles adopted by mothers and impact on academic achievement of elementary students. The study sample were 200 (100 elementary school children from 3Goverment and 3 Private schools and 100 mother’s of sample children) of Kurnool town. Sample was selected by using multistage random sampling technique. Mothers were administered with Parenting Style Questionnaire and Academic performance of sample children were collected from school as a form of marks. Results revealed that Majority of the mothers were following authoritative parenting style. Sample children’s did not differ significantly in their academic achievement according to child variable like gender, age, birth order, type of school, and class of studying. Sample children differed significantly in academic achievement in relation with parenting styles adopted by mothers. Children perform high whose mother’s are using authoritative parenting style compare to other parenting styles. The t values (2.611 p<0.001) was significant.
How to cite this article:
E Lakshmi Devi, Dr. B Swaroopa Rani. Impact of parenting styles adopted by mother’s on academic achievement of elementary school children. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(12):221-223.