Effect of rootstock thickness on wedge grafting in guava (Psidium guajava L.) under different growing conditions
Ashok Kumar, Devender Chahal, Arvind Malik, Sarita Devi and OP Bishnoi
The present investigation was conducted during the propagation season of 2017 at Centre for Quality Planting Material, RDS Seed Farm, CCS HAU, Hisar, and Haryana. The experiment comprised of 18 treatment combinations laid in RBD (factorial) design [3 rootstock sizes in terms of thickness (<0.8 cm, 0.8-1.2 cm & >1.2 cm); 6 growing conditions (polyhouse of 200 µ size with and without polycap, green shade-net ‘50% shade’ with and without polycap, open-field plus polycap and open-field only)], each replicated thrice. The results revealed that scion grafted on rootstock having thickness of 0.8-1.2 cm took minimum days for bud sprouting as well as first leaf opening and had maximum success percentage of grafts. Shoot length and its diameter, and the number of leaves as well as leaf area per graft were registered maximum with rootstock thickness of >1.2 cm and it was closely followed by rootstock thickness of 0.8-1.2 cm. However, the chlorophyll content of leaves was again recorded maximum with the rootstock thickness of 0.8-1.2 cm and closely followed by rootstock thickness of >1.2 cm, while the fresh and dry weight of shoot as well as roots were observed maximum with rootstock thickness of >1.2 cm followed by rootstock thickness of 0.8-1.2 cm. Considering the growing conditions, days for graft sprouting and first leaf opening were recorded minimum under polyhouse with polycap. The success percentage of grafts, shoot length and its diameter, number of leaves, leaf area per plant, and the fresh and dry weight of shoot as well as roots were also observed maximum in polyhouse with polycap over the grafts. Almost similar chlorophyll content of leaves was registered under polyhouse as well as open field conditions with and without polycap. Overall, the grafts with rootstock thickness 0.8-1.2 cm performed better and it was closely followed by thickness of >1.2 cm. Moreover, most of the growth traits of graft were observed significantly superior under polyhouse (200 µ) followed by the shade-net condition (50% shade) in comparison to open-field condition. Grafts covered with polycap performed better than the uncovered grafts under all the growing conditions.
How to cite this article:
Ashok Kumar, Devender Chahal, Arvind Malik, Sarita Devi, OP Bishnoi. Effect of rootstock thickness on wedge grafting in guava (Psidium guajava L.) under different growing conditions. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(12):162-169.