Effect of kantakari ghrita in the management of vataja kasa
Aarthi Kamath Singh, U Shailaja and Maheshwar Singh
Vataja Kasa (Dry Cough) is one among them increasingly prevalent now a day, demanding greater concern over it. Prana and Apana or to say breathing out and breathing in are the phenomenon of life. To and fro movement of air through the Pranavaha srotas is the vital sign of Prana, the normalcy of which suggests health.Cough is the fifth most common symptom for which patients seek care. Current study shows comparison Kantakari Ghrita provided better relief than Shati syrup in reducing the number of bouts of cough.
How to cite this article:
Aarthi Kamath Singh, U Shailaja, Maheshwar Singh. Effect of kantakari ghrita in the management of vataja kasa. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(11):317-318.