Stability analysis of sweet sorghum genotypes over the season [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]
Gaurav S. Pagire, Sharad R. Gadakh, Manaji S. Shinde, Udaykumar S. Dalvi, Vilas R. Awari and Suraj S. Gadakh
An experiment was conducted to study green cane yield stability and adaptability involving twenty three sweet sorghum genotypes and one hybrid in four contrasting sowing dates. The objective of the research is to analyze genotype-environment interaction (GxE) on multi-seasonal data for the green cane yield (t/ha) parameter of sweet sorghum. Therefore, stability analysis was carried out by Eberhart and Russell 1966 model to identify stable genotypes for green cane yield which is great in demand by distilleries. From the comparative ranking of the environment, it was clear that the June sowing date showed positive environmental indicators for green cane yield (t ha-1). Whereas, July, February and March sowing dates showed negative environmental indicators, suggesting that the environment is unfavorable for this trait. Based on the stability analysis, the genetic standard the genotype CSSV-19SS, RSSV-545, RSSV-430 shown average stable performance whereas, RSSV-260, hybrid RSSH-50 showed unstable performance for different environments.
How to cite this article:
Gaurav S. Pagire, Sharad R. Gadakh, Manaji S. Shinde, Udaykumar S. Dalvi, Vilas R. Awari, Suraj S. Gadakh. Stability analysis of sweet sorghum genotypes over the season [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(11):218-221.