Occupational health hazards of hill women of Uttarakhand engaged in farm activities
Kanchan Pant, Dr. Jitendra Kwatra and Dr. Seema Kwatra
Women in the hilly areas play a vital role in household, allied and agriculture activities. Women in the mountains work harder and for longer hours than men and have vital role in conservation and management of sustainable ecosystem. Women who performed farm activities and work in commercial areas, they generally face the problem of drudgery. They are always engaged in repetitive, monotonous, harmful activities, harmful postures and handling toxic materials. This present study specially focuses on impact of drudgery on hill women health and other ill impact on their children. This study was carried out in two districts of Uttarakhand and total sample size of 120 was taken for descriptive data using purposive and random sampling. The descriptive data was collected with the help of interview schedule. Results revealed that Women are mostly facing problems like heavy physical strain, overwork fatigue, malnourishment, physical stress due to work overload, mental stress due to work overload, mental stress due to work overload, high incidence of miscarriage, disease proneness, and fluctuating lactation ability. As a result of drudgery, children are also deprived from mother’s attention, low birth weight, high mortality rate and reduced breast feeding, neglected child. This study may help in deigning of training programme and intervention which helps in reducing drudgery and makes their life more better to live.
How to cite this article:
Kanchan Pant, Dr. Jitendra Kwatra, Dr. Seema Kwatra. Occupational health hazards of hill women of Uttarakhand engaged in farm activities. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(11):08-10.