Abstract:Udara Shoola seen in infancy is explained by
Kashyapa which occurs due to various causes, which are hypothesized but exact cause is not known, it is a self limiting condition which affects infants between few weeks after birth to 6 month of age. Colic is defined as excessive crying in an otherwise healthy infants. Infantile colic Usually starts in the first few week of life & end by 4-5 month. 80% of babies are brought to clinics with the infantile colic.
Objective: the present study has done to evaluate effect of Sauvarchaladi Churna to treat Udarshula in infants.
Methods: An open clinical trial with 36 patients is done from KAHER’s Shri B.M.K. Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Shahapur, Belagavi, Karnataka, 590003 OPD and IPD OF the department.
Results: There was significant in result of reducing the frequency of cry, status of legs, flushing of face, and reduction in refusal to feed. 36 Patients of Infantile colic were selected. Sauvarchaladi churna with honey in a dose of 1ratti, 2ratti, 3ratti, 4ratti, 5ratti, 6ratti in age group of 1month, 2months, 3months, 4months, 5months, 6months respectively. Assessment of parameter was done before treatment, at 10min, 20min, 30min, 40min, 50min, 60min, 80min, 100min, 120min, 150min and 180min of treatment.
Conclusion: Sauvarchaladi Churna is effective in the management of infantile colic.