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Vol. 9, Issue 10 (2020)

Generation mean analysis for yield and its components in rice (Oryza Sativa L.)

AG Singh and PB Patel
The experiment was carried out during summer and kharif 2018-19 at Main Rice Research Centre, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari. Six diversified elite lines of rice (IET-24772, IET-24783, GNR-2, GNR-3, GR-11 and GR-15) were used to study five generations (P1, P2, F1, F2 and F3) analysis of quantitative and qualitative traits for eleven characters. The results of additive - dominance model from the scaling tests showed that for all eleven characters evaluated in all the three crosses were inadequate, suggested the existence of epistasis interaction in the inheritance of these characters. On the basis of five parameters model, significant main effects viz., mean (m), additive (d) and dominance (h) and two digenic interactions additive x additive (i) and dominance x dominance (l) were recorded for days to flowering in all the three crosses; days to maturity, grain per panicle and amylose content in cross-I (IET-24772 x IET-24783) and cross-II (GNR-2 x GNR-3); plant height, 100 grain weight, L:B ratio and protein content in cross-II (GNR-2 x GNR-3) and cross-III (GR-11 x GR-15); productive tillers per plant and straw yield per plant in cross-I (IET-24772 x IET-24783); for grain yield per plant in cross-I (IET-24772 x IET-24783) and cross-III (GR-11 x GR-15) indicated the involvement of additive, dominance as well as epistasis interaction for controlling these traits. The duplicate epistasis was recorded for days to flowering, days to maturity, productive tillers per plant and 100 grain weight all the three crosses; plant height in cross-I (IET-24772 x IET-24783); grain per panicle and grain yield per plant in cross-I (IET-24772 x IET-24783) and cross-III (GR-11 x GR-15); L:B ratio in cross-II (GNR-2 x GNR-3) and cross-III; straw yield per plant, protein content and amylose content in cross-I (IET-24772 x IET-24783) and cross-II (GNR-2 x GNR-3).
Pages: 473-477  |  606 Views  278 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
AG Singh, PB Patel. Generation mean analysis for yield and its components in rice (Oryza Sativa L.). Pharma Innovation 2020;9(10):473-477.

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