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Vol. 9, Issue 10 (2020)

Prevalence of anemia among adolescent girls: Severity and determinant factors in Rajasthan, India

Aishwarya Dudi, ML Meena and Dheeraj Singh
Objective: The present study was designed to study the prevalence of anemia & associated factors in adolescent girls of Pali District of Rajasthan, India.
Design: All the Government schools of Pali were listed, out of these; three government schools were selected by the multistage random sampling method. Group of 60 adolescent girls (10-19 years) from each selected school were selected. All the girls were screened for anemia by Sahli’s haemoglobinometer method for estimating prevalence. Adolescent who had Hb concentration more than 12 g/dl were considered in control group. Hb value of 10.1 – 11.9 g/dl and less than 10 g/dl were come in ID (Iron Deficiency) and IDA (Iron Deficiency Anemia).
Settings: Rajasthan, India
Subjects: Total 180 Adolescent girl (10-19 years) who have attained their menarche.
Results: Respondents were divided into three groups, 98 respondents (54.45%) comes under control group, 49 respondents (27.22%) were in ID group and 33 respondents (18.33%) were in IDA group. Significant differences were detected between ID, IDA and control in regards to her father’s and mother’s education (p= 0.0403, p= 0.0013), eating vegetables and citrus fruits (p = 0.012), hard physical work/ exercise (p = 0.003), past history of IDA (p=0.001) and pallor as subjective complaint of the girls (p=0.0036).
Conclusion: In this study anemia can be considered of mild public health significance; indeed, it was a public health problem among adolescent girls in the area.
Pages: 113-120  |  1231 Views  448 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Aishwarya Dudi, ML Meena, Dheeraj Singh. Prevalence of anemia among adolescent girls: Severity and determinant factors in Rajasthan, India. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(10):113-120.

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