Time consumption by farm women in house holds activities, Agricultural operations and Allied sectors of Raipur District
Dr. Neeta Khare
Since time immemorial, women have played and continue to play important role in conservation of basic life support system, such as, land, water, flora and fauna. Rural women play a crucial role in agricultural development and allied fields, including crop production, livestock production, Horticulture, post-harvest operations, fisheries, etc. Without total intellectual and physical participation of women, it is not possible to achieve the goals of rural upliftment (Goel, 2011; Psr, 2012 and Jat et al., (2011) Time plays a major role in every ones life. Each member of the family also have their individual tasks or activities as well as urban and rural family. In rural area time consumption pattern is different. Farm women spend lots of time in household & agriculture activities both. Farm woman who has the multicast of the tasks to be performed both at home and on farm. She works for longer hours in kitchen and on farm compared to her counter part at home. The energy spent by them is performing these tasks in more than it is physically feasible, particularly in a below subsistence level of living (Shrivastava, 1985). Therefore, it was obvious that to find out time utilization pattern of rural women in rural Raipur District. In order to quantify the amount of time spent on different farm and house hold activities. The study was conducted in 4 villages of rural Raipur district. These were 120 respondents selected randomly 30 farm women from each selected villages were selected i.e. Tarra, Chataud, Barbanda and Saragaon villages from Dharsiwa block. The main findings revealed that time utilization pattern is correlated with family size. Small household family have more work as compare to big family. Small family spent the highest amount of time in farm activities (31.65%) and household activities (31.25%) compared to medium family (27.71%) in household and farm activities (28.13%) and large (26.88%) in household activities and farming (26.88%). Study also indicated that farm women spent more time in household work as compare to agricultural operation. They were engaged 7.50 hrs/day in house hold activities as compare to 7.40 hrs in paddy cultivation.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Neeta Khare. Time consumption by farm women in house holds activities, Agricultural operations and Allied sectors of Raipur District. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(1):484-486.