A review on role of zinc deficiency in humans and its rectification through Horti-agro food supplements
Prerak Bhatnagar and Mahaveer Suman
Zinc being an essential micro element whose increasing significance to health is highly appreciated. Zinc is found in over 200 enzymes and hormones in mankind. Zinc is a natural element found in all plants and animals and plays a crucial part and integral as well as vital component in the health of our skin, teeth, bones, hair, nails, muscles, nerves and brain function. Zinc is responsible for numerous and multifaceted functions in human metabolism. Severe zinc deficiency leads to increased susceptibility to variety of pathogens. The human health problems aggravated by zinc deficiency leads to complications of pregnancy and childbirth, low birth weight and poor growth in childhood, reduced immune competence and increased infectious disease morbidity. The complications arising in pregnant women suffering with zinc deficiency are at higher risk of premature and inefficient labor and miscarriages, labor and delivery, stillbirths, lower mental ability of the child, retarded fetal growth and poor immunity of both mother and neo-infant. Trace element zinc imparts a sturdy role in maintaining the healthy growth of the human body, especially for infants and young children’s growth and development. It is pragmatically used to control the enzymes that operate and renew the cells in our bodies. Zinc deficiency is an important public health problem gaining recognition recently, nutritionists have been concerned that zinc deficiency affects large numbers of women and children in India and worldwide. Well planned vegetarian diets can provide adequate amounts of zinc from varied plant sources. The incorporating ingredients readily available for good sources of zinc for vegetarians include legumes, nuts, seeds, fortified breakfast, fruits and vegetables. Sulphur plays an important role in rendering zinc absorptions binding sites. Sulphur-containing amino acids e.g. cysteine and methionine, found in a range of seeds, nuts, and vegetables and hydroxy acids e.g. citric acid found in citrus fruits, malic acid in apples and tartaric acid in grapes, bind to zinc conveniently and enhance its absorption. Various available organic acids that are present in foods or produced during fermentation can also enhance zinc absorption. This review concerns the vital importance and pivotal role of zinc in health and the possible implications and consequences of its deficiency and possible remedial measures through utilization of various available horticultural products and food supplements imparting zinc to human metabolism.
How to cite this article:
Prerak Bhatnagar, Mahaveer Suman. A review on role of zinc deficiency in humans and its rectification through Horti-agro food supplements. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(1):447-451.