Abstract:The present investigation entitled as “Effect of bio-fertilizer on growth, yield and quality of strawberry (
Fragaria x
ananassa Duch) cv. Nabila under net tunnel” was carried out at the Research Farm of the Center of Excellence on Protected Cultivation and Precision Farming in Net Tunnel at IGKV, Raipur (C.G.) to assess the impact on bio-fertilizers on growth parameters, yield and quality of strawberries. The investigation was laid out with 12 treatments which replicates thrice under randomized complete block design. The trial had 12 different combinations of bio-fertilizers. Treatment T
5 RDF +
Azospirillum (@7 kg / ha) +
Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (@6 kg / ha) has been recorded best for growth parameters i.e. plant height, plant spreading in East-West and North-South directions and number of leaves per plant, whereas the lowest value for the same was noticed in treatment T
0: RDF (Contorl). Earliest flowering, fruiting and fruit maturity was seen under the treatment T
11: RDF +
Azospirillum (@7 kg/ha) +
Phosphate Solublizing Bacteria (@ 6kg/ha + VAM @10 kg/ha), while the late flowering, fruiting and fruit maturity was observed under control.
Flowering and physical parameters of fruit i.e. number of flowers, number of fruits per plant, fruit of length, diameter, volume and weight of fruit were significantly influenced under the treatment T11: (RDF + Azospirillum (@7 kg / ha) + Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (@6 kg / ha) + VAM (@10 kg / ha) whereas, the minimum value for the same was observed under control (T0). As regard yield, the yield (355.84 q/ha) was obtained under the treatment T11, which was found highest among rest of the other treatment. Moreover, control registered the lowest yield (196.23 q / ha). The treatment T11 (RDF + Azospirillium @ 7 kg/ha + Phosphate Solubilizing bacteria (@ 6 kg/ha) + VAM (@10 kg/ha) registered highest benefit cost ratio (4.20:1), while the value (2.20:1) was observed in RDF + control.