Abstract:A field experiment was laid down to evaluate effect of Sulphur and Zinc of growth and yield of onion. Experiment was carried out during
kharif season of 2018-19 at Horticulture farm, College of Agriculture, Sehore RVSKVV, Gwalior in factorial randomized block design with three replications. The experiment was comprised of ten treatments
viz., T
1: 0 Kg Sha-1, T2: 18.75 Kg Sha
-1, T
3: 37.50 Kg Sha
-1, T
4: 56.25 Kg Sha
-1, T
5: 75 Kg Sha
-1, T
6: 0 Kg (Zinc EDTA 12%) ha
-1, T
7: 2.5Kg (Zinc EDTA 12%) ha
-1, T8: 5 Kg (Zinc EDTA 12%) ha
-1, T
9: 7.5 Kg (Zinc EDTA 12%) ha
-1, T
10: 10 Kg (Zinc EDTA 12%) ha
Observation recorded on Growth attributing Characters viz., plant height, no. of leaves per plant, leaf length per plant, and leaf width per plant recorded at 30, 60 and 90 DAT; Yield attributing characters viz., no. of bolting per plant, neck thickness, equatorial diameter, polar diameter of bulb, No. of scales per bulb, Girth of bulb, Dry matter of tops per hectare fresh weight of bulb, bulb yield per plot, bulb yield per hectare. Present study revealed beneficial effect of sulphur and zinc on growth and yield of onion.