A study on analysis of the content effectiveness of the developed multimedia module on domestic water sanitation
A Lalitha and R Neela Rani
A present study was conducted on content effectiveness of the developed multimedia module. For the study, based upon the nature of the research problem and objectives of the present study, experimental research design was selected. A total of thirty experts from the faculty of home science were selected for conducting beta test for quality assurance of the developed multimedia module. Score card was developed for data collection. Mean score were used for data analysis. The results of the study were revealed that for development of the multimedia module, content was collected and identified the issues and given to the selected experts along with checklist for selection of key issues. Content for identified tribal domestic water sanitation management were translated into a vernacular language i.e. Telugu. Outlines, flow charts and story boards were prepared for the development of the multimedia module. Using a page based authoring tool i.e., PowerPoint multimedia module was developed. Beta testing was done for quality assurance by the experts. The results of the study were revealed that The content analysis indicator “Practical utility” (22.0%) had high percentage contribution towards content effectiveness followed by informative (21.7%) and adequacy (21.0%). Module analysis revealed that the major indicator ‘use of illustrations’ contribute 22.6 percentage towards module effectiveness among the other indicators of the module followed by animation (20.8%), audio and video (20.4%).
How to cite this article:
A Lalitha, R Neela Rani. A study on analysis of the content effectiveness of the developed multimedia module on domestic water sanitation. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(1):328-330.