Effect of oxidative stress on occurrence of subclinical mastitis in uterine infected cross bred cows during postpartum period
Prachurya Biswal, Dr. SS Lathwal, Dr. Rubina Baithalu, Susheel Kumar and Pradeep Nag
The experiment was carried out to study about the occurrence of subclinical mastitis during the peripartum period in cross bred Karan Fries (KF) cows (n= 24). Uterine fluid was collected from day +7 to day +35 and animals were divided into two groups based on uterine fluid scoring i.e. healthy and uterine infected groups. Then milk sample was collected from day +7 to day +35 in both the groups and for detection of mastitis SCC (Somatic cell count), CMT (California mastitis test) and EC (Electrical conductivity) tests were conducted. Somatic cell count was higher in uterine infected group than the healthy group of cows, however, difference was non-significant (P>0.05). Whereas no significant difference was observed in the CMT score and electrical conductivity of milk either between the groups or across the groups. Kappa analysis revealed a kappa value of 0.424 suggesting moderate agreement with gold standard for California mastitis test and 0.713 for electrical conductivity test suggesting substantial agreement with the gold standard test.
How to cite this article:
Prachurya Biswal, Dr. SS Lathwal, Dr. Rubina Baithalu, Susheel Kumar, Pradeep Nag. Effect of oxidative stress on occurrence of subclinical mastitis in uterine infected cross bred cows during postpartum period. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(1):204-206.