Enhancing vegetative growth through fertigation and nutrient spray for early flowering in some genotypes of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii Bolus)
Rahat Ashraf, IT Nazki, NH Masoodi, SA Mir, SA Bhat, Raja Adil Usman, Aqiba Qureshi, Madinat-UL-Nisa, Tanzeela Yaseen and Junaid Ayaz
The present study on Enhancing vegetative growth through Fertigation and nutrient spray for early flowering in some genotypes of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii Bolus) was conducted under naturally ventilated Polyhouse at SKUAST-Kashmir, Shalimar campus, Jammu and Kashmir during the years 2017-18. The experiment consisted of twelve treatment combinations comprising four different levels of fertigation F1 (NPK 19:19:19 @ 1.0g/plant at weekly interval), F2 (NPK 16:8:24 @ 1.0 g/Plant at weekly interval), F3 (NPK 19:19:19 @ 1.0g/Plant + commercial nutrient spray @ 1ml/L at weekly interval), F4 (NPK 16:8:24 @ 1.0 g/Plant+ commercial nutrient spray @ 1ml/L at weekly interval) and three cultivars V1(Marzena), V2(Konstencja), V3(Felicks) replicated four times in a Randomized Complete Block Design. Application of NPK 19:19:19 @ 1.0g/Plant + commercial nutrient spray @ 1ml/L at weekly interval improved early growth in terms plant spread, number of leaves /Plant, leaf area/Plant and chlorophyll content recorded. The study showed that enhanced early vegetative growth resulted in advance of flowering studied in terms of days to flower bud appearance and flower opening. There was cultivar nutrient interaction with CV. Konstencja performing better than the CVS. Felicks and Marzena.
How to cite this article:
Rahat Ashraf, IT Nazki, NH Masoodi, SA Mir, SA Bhat, Raja Adil Usman, Aqiba Qureshi, Madinat-UL-Nisa, Tanzeela Yaseen, Junaid Ayaz. Enhancing vegetative growth through fertigation and nutrient spray for early flowering in some genotypes of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii Bolus). Pharma Innovation 2020;9(1):200-203.