Study of preparation and standardization of Karonda (Carissa congesta L.) crush
Divate SM, Savale BG, Patil NB and Relekar PP
Karonda crush was prepared by using karonda juice with different percentage of juice level such as 25, 30, 35, 40 per cent and maintain 550Brix T.S.S. & 0.8 per cent level of citric acid in each treatments. The physiochemical composition and sensory qualities of karonda crush were studied during 3 months of storage period to standardize optimum recipe for the preparation of karonda crush. An increasing trend in T.S.S., reducing and total sugars where as decreasing trend in titratable acidity and ascorbic acid was observed during storage period of 90 days. The crush recipes i.e. 35 and 40% juicewith 550 Brix T.S.S. and 0.8% acidity were found to be the best recipes for the preparation of karonda syrup with highest organoleptic score for colour, flavour and overall acceptability.
How to cite this article:
Divate SM, Savale BG, Patil NB, Relekar PP. Study of preparation and standardization of Karonda (Carissa congesta L.) crush. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(1):176-179.