Preparation of fruit flavoured milk by using pineapple juice
Author(s): Praveen Kumar Mishra, Dr. Shanker Suwan Singh, Surabhi Kumari and Shalini Singh
Abstract: In the new millennium we are witnessing the upward trend in nutritional and health awareness which has increased the consumer demand for functional food. Keeping this in view industry is forced to bring milk products in the market with acceptable sensory characteristics. The present investigation was made with an attempt to develop fruit flavoured milk by partial addition with different level of pineapple juice. Evaluate the effect on microbial quality by addition of pineapple juice. For control flavoured milk was standardized to 100 gm milk, 8 gm sugar, 2-3 drop pineapple flavour essence & lemon yellow colour. (T1) 97.5 gm milk 8 gm sugar. 2.5ml pineapple juice, lemon yellow colour. (T2) 95 gm milk. 8 gm sugar, 5 ml pineapple juice, and lemon yellow colour. (T3) 92.5 gm milk, 8 gm sugar, 7.5 ml pineapple juice, and lemon yellow colour of different treatments and control samples of fruit flavoured milk. Physico-chemical analysis fat, total solids, acidity, was done for estimating nutritional content Safety and Organoleptic characteristics like (flavour and taste, body and texture, colour and appearance, overall acceptability) tested by trained panelist using 9 point hedonic scale. The treatments containing (T) 2.5% level pineapple juice scored the highest value. Microbiological analysis was carried out to assess the shelf life of the best treatments. The results revealed less than 100/ml (standard value) negative SPC & coli form test when compared with the IS standards. Thus as product acceptability judged by Organoleptic evaluation and therapeutic value is concern, the treatment can be rated as T1>To>T2>T3.
Praveen Kumar Mishra, Dr. Shanker Suwan Singh, Surabhi Kumari, Shalini Singh. Preparation of fruit flavoured milk by using pineapple juice. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(9):539-543. DOI: 10.22271/tpi.2019.v8.i9j.4047