Abstract:Aim: The present research work was carried out to study the phycoremediation of dairy effluent by using algal consortium.
Methodology: The effluent sample was collected in a plastic container from the dairy industry. The effluent sample was treated with mixed algal consortium inclusive of Scenedesmus dimorphus, Scenedesmus acutus, Desmococcus sp., Chlorella vulgaris, Chlorella conglomerate, Chroococcus sp., and physicochemical analysis like pH, BOD, COD TSS, TDS, Dissolved oxygen, total hardness, total alkalinity, calcium and magnesium, phosphate and chloride were evaluated.
Results: The analysis of dairy effluent observed a significant decrease in the BOD (57%), COD (54%). TSS, Alkalinity (80%), Chloride (80%), Calcium (75%) and Magnesium (27%) after treating with the algal consortium.
Conclusion: The results of the study showed mixed algal consortium to be useful to reduce various physicochemical parameters in wastewater and could be potentially used for the treatment of dairy wastewaters.