Formulation development and evaluation of medicated chewing gum of granisetron
Sandeep A Wathore, Vijay Kumar M Kale and Yuvraj L Pandhare
The present study was aimed to develop the chewing gum as drug delivery system for Granisetron with fast onset of action and to avoid first pass metabolism. Chewing gum formulations were prepared in the tablet form as well as pieces form by using lactose, glycerin and PEG 400 in different concentration. For both type of formulations all studies were performed like hardness, stickiness, weight variation, friability and in vitro release test. The results were within the range according to pharmacopoeial specification. The test for chewing gum pieces stickiness; hardness and in-vitro release were performed. It was concluded that hardness was less than tablet form and they were slightly sticky in nature. From the in vitro drug release data it was observed that drug release from the chewing gum in tablet form was less as compared to pieces of chewing gum containing glycerin and PEG 400. From the drug release study in saliva it is concluded that drug release was fast and in higher percentage as compared to in-vitro study because release is totally depends on the chewing process.
How to cite this article:
Sandeep A Wathore, Vijay Kumar M Kale, Yuvraj L Pandhare. Formulation development and evaluation of medicated chewing gum of granisetron. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(8):283-286.