Effect of calcium and phosphorus supplementation on milk yield in Gangatiri cows in different seasons
Gaurav Jain, Ram Pal Singh, Neeraj, Sushma and Balvir Singh
An experiment was conducted to examine the effect of calcium and phosphorus supplementation on milk yield in Gangatiri cow in different seasons. Sixteen lactating Gangatiri cows from Livestock, SHUATS Prayagraj (Allahabad) were categorized in four groups, T0, T1, T2 and T3, as per supplementation of calcium and phosphorus in different seasons. All cows were housed in tail to tail barn under similar management conditions. All sanitary precautions were undertaken to produce clean milk by dry full hand method of milking. Milk yield supplemented with calcium and phosphorus in different seasons was determined from daily milk yield records of each animal. The experimental period was divided in three different seasons as winter, summer and rainy. The results showed that winter and rainy season had significantly higher milk yield but in summer season had a non-significant influence of calcium and phosphorus supplementation.
How to cite this article:
Gaurav Jain, Ram Pal Singh, Neeraj, Sushma, Balvir Singh. Effect of calcium and phosphorus supplementation on milk yield in Gangatiri cows in different seasons. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(8):211-212.