Sensory quality of buns produced from wheat flour and sorghum flour blends
Ibadahun L Nongrang and SN Thakur
A study was conducted to evaluate the quality character of wheat flour and sorghum flour which could be used as low gluten supplemented cereal baked product. The buns was prepared by adding 100% wheat flour for control (T0), T1 was prepared by adding 80% of wheat flour and 20% sorghum flour, T2 was prepared by adding 70% wheat flour and 30% sorghum flour, T3 was prepared by adding 60% wheat flour and 40% sorghum flour and T4 was prepared by adding 50% wheat flour and 50% sorghum flour. Bun were analysed for sensory parameters results from organoleptic evaluation.
How to cite this article:
Ibadahun L Nongrang, SN Thakur. Sensory quality of buns produced from wheat flour and sorghum flour blends. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(7):654-657.