Evaluation of skeletal muscle activity of Coffea arabica leaves extract on isolated frog’s rectus abdominus muscle
Shravan Kumar Dholi
Skeletal muscle activity of Coffea arabica leaves extract was studied in the green frog (Rana hexadactyla) by the rectus abdominus muscle preparation. Coffea arabica leaves extract with distilled water 1μg/ml, 10μg/ml and 100μg/ml concentrations. The result indicated that the treatment of Coffea arabica leaves extract alone and combination with acetylcholine produce skeletal muscle activity. Thus from the present study it was concluded that Coffea arabica leaves extract have good skeletal muscle activity alone and in combination with Acetylcholine.
How to cite this article:
Shravan Kumar Dholi. Evaluation of skeletal muscle activity of <em>Coffea arabica </em>leaves extract on isolated frog’s rectus<em> </em>abdominus muscle. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(7):537-539.