Evaluation of surgico-therapeutic management in obstructive urolithiasis with cystorrhexis in male cattle calves
Rakesh Pooniya, Suresh Kumar Jhirwal, Rajesh Saini, Suresh Kumar Palsania, Anil Kumar and Praveen Bishnoi
The study was conducted on twenty-three (n=23) clinical cases of obstructive urolithiasis in male cattle calves with ruptured urinary bladder presented to the Department of Veterinary Surgery & Radiology, RAJUVAS, Bikaner. The diagnosis was made on the basis of history and clinical signs (anorexia, depression, bilateral abdominal distension and concretions at urethral orifice). All the animals needed surgical intervention for the repair of ruptured bladder and passive routes for passage of urine till bladder healing occurred and urine continued to pass through normal urethral orifice. The animals were divided into three groups depending on the surgical intervention adopted viz., Tube cystostomy (n=11), Cystorrhaphy with urethrostomy (n=6) and Intraperitoneal tube siphoning of urine (n=6). Haemoglobin was found to be below; BUN and serum creatinine above the normal reference values in majority of the cases. Obstructive urolithiasis occurred more frequently under specific managemental condition like heavy concentrate feeding along with higher mineral concentration ground water intake. The overall survival rate was higher in animals treated by tube cystostomy. Rate of recovery without post-operative complications was higher in the animals that were treated by cystorrhaphy with urethrostomy as compared to other technique. Urinary acidifiers like ammonium chloride and sodium chloride were effective in dissolution of urinary calculi.
How to cite this article:
Rakesh Pooniya, Suresh Kumar Jhirwal, Rajesh Saini, Suresh Kumar Palsania, Anil Kumar, Praveen Bishnoi. Evaluation of surgico-therapeutic management in obstructive urolithiasis with cystorrhexis in male cattle calves. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(7):519-523.