Economics of banana cultivation
K Dhanalakshmi, K Chitra, K Karthikeyani Vijakumari and C Bali Sasikumar
KVK, Vamban conducted Front Line demonstration on IIHR Banana special during 2016-17 and 2017-18. For rectifying micro nutrients deficiencies in horticultural crops especially in this context, the study has been conducted in Tiruvaranklam block of Pudukkottai district. Micro nutrients or trace elements are essential are essential for plant growth but it is needed in very small quantity for the plant system. Banana special is crop specific micronutrient formulation technology through foliar application exclusive for higher yield in banana crop up to 20%. 6kg of Banana Special recommended for an acre as a foliar application recommended by IIHR. Mix 50 grams of Banana special along with one lemon juice and 1 shampoo pocket in 10 liters of water are added and mix thoroughly before spraying. Drenching of solution was 250ml /plant after of 15 days of plantation in case of tissue culture plants. Start from 4 months of plantation once in 30 days continues up to 8 months as foliar application. Last two sprays done both on bunch and leaves 30 days and 60 days after bunch emergence. Spray should be done preferably 6am to 11am and 4pm to 6.30pm and spray should be done mainly 60-70% on lower surface and 30% on upper surface.
How to cite this article:
K Dhanalakshmi, K Chitra, K Karthikeyani Vijakumari, C Bali Sasikumar. Economics of banana cultivation. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(7):395-397.