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Vol. 8, Issue 7 (2019)

A study the effect of intervention on the selected life skills levels (Decision-making, problem solving and communication skills) of rural women

B Prashanthi and Dr. M Sarada Devi
Rural women make up over a quarter of the total world population and represent approximately 43% of the agricultural labour force Rural women are key agents for achieving the transformational economic, environmental and social changes required for sustainable development. They ensure food security for their communities and build climate resilience. However, when it comes to owning land and accessing agricultural inputs, financing and technologies for climate resilience, they lag far behind men. Among the many challenges they face are their limited access to credit, healthcare and education, aggravated by the global food and economic Rural women and girls, in addition to facing multiple forms of discrimination directed against them as women, often suffer from multiple forms of discrimination in connection with their place of residence, age, disability, displacement, ethnic background or other factors. They are largely excluded from political and public life. Their needs and rights are neglected in the reform, recovery, and peace building processes. They face discrimination in access to decision-making, employment, healthcare, education and other basic services.
The purpose of the present study was life skills of rural women an intervention model from Rajandranagar rural in Hyderabad in Telangana state. The sample for the study is 60 women. The life skills intervention modules and life skill inventoryused for data collection and intervention for the rural women.
Pages: 362-364  |  369 Views  97 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
B Prashanthi, Dr. M Sarada Devi. A study the effect of intervention on the selected life skills levels (Decision-making, problem solving and communication skills) of rural women. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(7):362-364.

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